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Ticket submission:

Already have a contract with us?  Submit an email ticket using the template below.  Select the ticket priority and include all details on the forum.

Technician dispatches will be done during the hours of 8am- 8pm unless previously planned.  Out of hours calls are not an on demand service we offer. 

Ticket Priorities

1.) Critical

Critical: Remote response within 1 hour, technician on site within 8 hours.  

This priority is used for issues that effect entire sites or business operations, such as all stations down, network outages, or other outages that bring a halt to your business.

2.) High

High: remote response within 4 hours, technician on site within 1-2 days

Typically used for issues that effect a single users ability to function.  This could be a single computer being down, a single user's inability to login, a point of sale down, an access point not functioning, or a security camera down.

3.) Medium

Medium: Remote response within 12 hours, on site troubleshooting within 3-5 days

This is used for issues that might be disruptions but don't impact operations.  This could be performance lags or issues that impact a single redundant station, or other miscellaneous bugs.  These are important, but not issues that have the impact of the previous categories. 

How can we help?

Our engineers will get to your ticket as soon as possible.

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